- Been a staple of the masonry, carpentry and surveying industries for more than 50 years
- Center less ground and balanced to precision tolerances, these lacquered and polished Plumb Bobs afford only the most exact plumb lines
- Hardened steel point is accurate to within 1/100? and is easily replaceable

I had a cheapo chrome plumb bob for years, and found this one on sale and knew I had some layout work coming up, so I bought it, it is much easier to use and more accurate because the shape allows you to see the point more easily than the one I am going to put on a table at the garage sale, which is flat sided except for the last 3/4 inch, making it more difficult to actually look down at the point, which is the business end. Until I used a good one, didn't know there was a difference.
I don't need one all that often, but it is so pretty, makes me want to hang it up in the house somewhere, maybe on a beaded brass chain.... until I need it again.
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