Monday, June 17, 2013

GMC Syclone 1610A Ultra Quiet & Oil-Free Air Compressor

GMC Syclone 1610A Ultra Quiet & Oil-Free Air Compressor
  • Ultra Quiet - Only 60 decibels - Less Noise than someone talking!
  • Oil-Free - No Maintenance - 3000 hour life cycle
  • Powerfull 1.0 Hp Rated/Running and 2.0 Hp Peak
  • 3.80 CFM @ 40 PSI & 2.35 CFM @ 90 PSI - Max 120 PSI
  • 1.6 Gallon Aluminium Tank - Lightweight 35 lbs - Rust Free

This compressor lives up to the hype. It is very quite, I can carry on a conversation when it is running. It is much quieter than our hoover vacuum. I chose the 1 HP over the 3/4 and 1/2 because I wanted a shorter run time to fill the tank. The compressor can keep up with constant nailing with a brad nailer. The smallish tank does not hold enough air for steady use of a blowgun but the 1hp motor builds pressure fast and allows for short use.

Buy GMC Syclone 1610A Ultra Quiet & Oil-Free Air Compressor Now

I have a larger oil-filled compressor for my shop but needed a replacement for a Senco 1/2HP, 1-gal compressor which gave great service for many years. While looking for a replacement, the reviews and videos indicated this to be very quiet, and light enough to easily carry around for small projects very true. The larger capacity made for longer intervals between run-times, and the 1HP motor shortened the run times. While not major differences, they were enough to make a change when the greatly increased CFM was figured into the equation no more waiting for the tank to re-fill. I use this for small jobs with 18-gauge brads and 23-gauge pin nails, and it also works well for cleaning refrigerator coils!. It has been a very satisfactory replacement/addition. It obviously doesn't have the capacity for major production usage; but works great if used within the design parameters.

Read Best Reviews of GMC Syclone 1610A Ultra Quiet & Oil-Free Air Compressor Here

The compressor is quiet, but the o-ring keeps going bad on the drain valve, causing me to over close the valve and then the finger nut breaks off the threaded portion of the valve.

Want GMC Syclone 1610A Ultra Quiet & Oil-Free Air Compressor Discount?

It's really hard to describe how quiet this thing is.

If every compressor could be as quiet as this one the world would be a better place.

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