- Operates over 14 air tools so you can sharpen lawnmower blades, rotate tires, perform engine repair and maintenance, inflate car and bike tires, paint furniture, install trim and molding, upholster furniture, build a deck, and more
- Easy-to-use 2-in regulator knob with soft touch points for easy, more comfortable pressure adjustments
- Easy-to-maintain tank drain with cup, conveniently located on side of tank (regular tank draining extends the life of your tank)

It worked great for about a a year and a half running a nail gun, airing tires, prep sanders, die grinders... Recently it started leaking air from behind the on off switch. It was very slow to build tank pressure, and once the tank pressure got up to about 40psi if it switched off, the compressor would not kick back on. The motor would just hum. It's about 6 or 7 months out of warranty so I took it apart. The main pressure line from the compressor to the tank attaches to a T & check valve assembly right at the lower port of the tank. That means just about everything had to be removed to get it off. Once apart I verified the check valve was stuck open. The check valve has a service port so I disassembled it and saw a small spec of rust on the valve & mating sealing service. Still not sure why it was stuck open but I cleaned it up and reassembled, now everything works again. If and when this valve gets stuck again I'll figure out a way to relocate that check valve so the compressor/motor doesn't have to be removed to service/clean the check valve.
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