- Pneumatic pump kit
- Vacuum 28'' Hg to pressure 600psi (combination pump)
- Compatible with all gauges and calibrators
- Connections (2 ports) 1/4" and 1/8" NPT/BSP
Debo agregar un segundo comentario : la bomba funciona muy bien desde -26 inHg hasta los 100 psi, para más de 100 psi es extremadamente dura para accionar la con una sola mano. Sólo llegue 290 psi haciendo un gran esfuerzo con las 2 manos . Conclusión no la recomiendo para presiones mayores de 100 psi . Aunque las especificaciones técnicas dice hasta 600 psi , realmente no es así.
It really is very good, for field use, calibration of pressure gauges and pressure transmitters, you can go from vacuum to positive pressure, just by pressing the pin, excellent pumping capacity per drive. I could calibrate eight vacuum gauge in record time. Its greatest strength is that you can go from negative to positive pressures pressures, just moving the past, without the need to make any connection changes. This saves considerable time when absolute pressure gauge instruments. The maximum vacuum is achieved and 26.5 inHg.
I must add a second point: the pump works great from -26 inHg to 100 psi, for more than 100 psi is extremely hard to trigger with one hand. Only reaches 290 psi working hard with 2 hands. Conclusion not recommend for pressures greater than 100 psi. Although specs say up to 600 psi, it really is not
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