Saturday, June 8, 2013

25g Bench Top Sandblast Sandblaster Cabinet Blast Media

25g Bench Top Sandblast Sandblaster Cabinet Blast MediaI got this cabinet to avoid building my own for small glass sandblasting projects with a small compressor. Cost less than the materials would have and, while I thought the included gun would not be useful with the small compressor, was pleased to find that it worked well enough with the fine grit used to speed projects through.

1st review (after few hours of work) :

I bought this of ebay for 110$ shipped and it's wonderful. It came well packaged and contrary to other reviews mine didn't leak at all. My only problem was that my 5 gallon compressor was dropping pressure way too fast for me to do any kind of sand blast.I hyad to stop every 2 minutes to wait for pressure to built back.

If you are looking into buying one of theses and don't have money for more rugged versions get it!

2nd review (after 2 months of use):

It leaks!!!!! but easily fixable with sealer around the top window and a new bigger foam strip from hardware store for the door. I bought a ch compressor vt6275 witch is more then efficient for this kind of job. and it works great. I tried to blast 13in wheels (5"wide) in there and it was a pain, the cabinet is too shallow and its hard to blast.

I would only recommend this cabinet to anyone that wants to fix it first and use it only for work on small items (brackets, nuts, bolts etc.).

NB: i buy my sandblast media from tractor supply for very cheap (their aluminum black diamond is great.) cheaper than anything here.

Buy 25g Bench Top Sandblast Sandblaster Cabinet Blast Media Now

It is what it is a box. It leaks some but I expect and can live with that feature. The interior light worked for about 30 seconds and went out. I called the vendor and was told they would send another light; they did and it works.

Read Best Reviews of 25g Bench Top Sandblast Sandblaster Cabinet Blast Media Here

This was one of the best investments I've made it a long time! I repair electric motors for my job and 4 out of 5 times the motors are in horrible shape. I've tried everything under the sun to clean the corrosion off and while there are ways, they are not easy and very time consuming. Since the purchase of this little puppy, that is no longer the case; I can do twice as much in 1/4 the time now.

Just remember to clean filters frequently so the cabinet stays clear of dust.

Want 25g Bench Top Sandblast Sandblaster Cabinet Blast Media Discount?

Nice cabinet for the most part, a little bit cheap feeling, the light died after 1 week..But it's still getting the job done.

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