Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Porter-Cable C2025 150 PSI 2.5 Gal Oil-Free Hotdog Compressor

Porter-Cable C2025 150 PSI 2.5 Gal Oil-Free Hotdog Compressor
  • Durable oil-free pump for long life and no maintenance
  • Low Amp 120-volt motor starts easily in cold weather or with extension cord
  • 2.5 gal Hotdog style tank is easy to carry, includes water drain valve and rubber feet
  • 150 psi max tank pressure stores more air in the tank for longer tool runtimes
  • 2.6 SCFM at90 psi allows for quick compressor recovery time, per ISO1217 Only 24 lbs for easy portability

I love this little hot dog!!! its the perfect size to be able to fit on the shelf in my van and not take up valuable space on the floor like my twin tank did. Its 150 psi!!! this thing is perfect for all finish guns but has enough guts for a framing nailer or fence/siding nailer as well. Now, I wouldn't use this all day framing a house but for the smaller jobs where you want to break out the big gun for a bit, its perfect. One of the biggest pluses is that because its a 150 psi, the cut in switch kicks the motor back on when the tank gets down to about 110 psi or so. So when you're using a framing gun or siding nailer, you won't get that last couple of weak shots before it kicks back on again. It fills up nice and quick too. I like this one much better than the pancakes. The last small "finish compressor" I had was this wierd little bostich one and it was cool because it was really light and really quiet but it would get down to about 70-80psi before it kicked on again and that sucked when using my siding gun... and forget about using a framing gun with that.

I plan on rigging up some straps to this so I can carry it on my shoulder like a tool bag.


Buy Porter-Cable C2025 150 PSI 2.5 Gal Oil-Free Hotdog Compressor Now

This compressor has lots of capacity, but still small enough to carry easily. Good quality & good price.

Read Best Reviews of Porter-Cable C2025 150 PSI 2.5 Gal Oil-Free Hotdog Compressor Here

This product is great. Its leaking out where it hooks into the tank but i think i can take it apart and fix it.Im still giving it 5 stars.

Want Porter-Cable C2025 150 PSI 2.5 Gal Oil-Free Hotdog Compressor Discount?

Selected this compressor because wt. & shape made it the lightest by over 25% of others in same capacity range. (24 lbs., the most I wanted to hump up and down stairs.) Product reviews were generally good, although there were a fair amount of lemons being sold or an equal amount of incompetent users. It also maintains a higher psi than others in the range, giving me greater flexibility with my Hitachi nailer. Not terribly noisome, as I understand the flat tank models are. And Rockwell Porter Cable have done well for me over many years.

Save 44% Off

Small and lightweight, but up to 135psi. I like the hotdog style better than pancake because it takes up less space on the workbench.

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